Friendly, Positive, Magical

Planner, Worrier, Loyal

Vapid, Insensitive, Sporty

Deep, Fried, Odd

Competitive, Jealous, English
Bjorn The Last Unicorn
High in the Galdhøpiggen mountain range in South Norway, resides the last unicorn on the planet- Bjorn! And, he is bored and lonely. Bjorn discovers the world of social media that he interrupts through his highly positive eyes as only goodness and purity. He meets Becca, who already has a social media “pet influencer” cat, named Patty. Becca decides to become Bjorn’s “momager” and together they strive to bring hope and joy to the world as Bjorn becomes the #1 “social media influencer” in the world! Unbeknownst to Bjorn, social media war ensues between him and Patty.
Property Highlights:
Created by animation industry vet Tom Bancroft, this series both celebrates and slams our world of “social media” in a fun way. The voice cast is made up of social media stars Caleb Hyles (Bjorn), Kris Collins (Multiple Characters), Jesse Elkins “The Snikle” (Narrator and “Chad”), Brian Hull as "Tambo," Chanel Williams as "Patty,"and voice acting pros like Susan Egan (Becca and “Megara” in Disney’s Hercules) with a combined follower count of over 50 Million.

Meet Bjorn
Bjorn is a a 2085 year old bundle of positivity and cuteness. Everyone is his friend- humans, elves, rocks, trees, and doors. He has some magic left in his horn but he rarely uses it. He’d rather “talk it out” then use magic to solve problems. He is naive and inquisitive, constantly trying to learn new things about the world around him and those in it. He’s your new best friend.